Here are 5 reasons why About Schmidt - a 2002 American drama comedy - is a movie you must see and probably one of the best gerontological movies ever:
1. The opening scene: I have used the opening scene of this movie for many years now in various courses and classes about the meaning of retirement. The movie, which is about Warren Schmidt (Jack Nicholson) opens when we see the hero sitting on a chair in an almost totally empty office room, watching the clock moves slowly until it reaches 5:00 pm. Silence, emptiness. Warren Schmidt retires. This is such a powerful scene.....
2. Jack Nicholson: In recent years Jack Nicholson has become one of the important gerontological movies star. But he always was a great actor. Yet, it seems that his aging only did good to his wonderful acting abilities. His role as an aging, retired, widowed old-fashioned man - is just magnificent.
3. Gerontological issues: so many different and important gerontological issues are raised in this movie that any gerontologist would find the movie as a discussion breaker for the field: aging, retirement, loneliness, family relationships, widowhood, love, and much more.
4. Kathy Bates: Kathy bates plays a secondary role in the movie - as the mother-in-law of Schmidt's daughter. I don't think that she is considered to be at the top most level of Hollywood's celebs/actresses. However, her performance as an aging woman is again - pure anti-ageist (and in my opinion - feminist) - wonderful performance.
5. Alexander Payne: Finally, one cannot ignore the ingenious work of he director Alex Payne. Once you've seen About Schmidt - you can fully appreciate Payne's later gerontological movie - "Nebraska" (which is again, a wonderful movie). Payne is simply a talented movie director, and the gerontological movies fan can only be fortunate that he chose to make these movies.
Go see it + if you've seen it = see it again.
Director: Alexander Payne
Year: 2002